In a digital tribute to the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg, U.S. card publisher Cardthartic has designed a special RBG card to honor the former Associate Justice. The company released the following statement to its followers:
“We created this design many months ago with the hope that Justice Ginsburg would be with us for many years to come. In recognition of her contributions, proceeds from your card purchase will be donated to the National Women’s Law Center through September 28, 2020. Having received Charity Navigator’s highest ratings, NWLC has been with RBG on the front lines of virtually every major advance for women since 1972.”
The card front features a richly detailed illustration by Joanne Friar of RBG’s dissent necklace and the message: “Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Righteous. Bodacious. Gracious. Like a little engine that could, she’s shown us the power of presence, passion and persistence. ‘Each thing I do comes with a heightened appreciation that I am able to do it.’” Inside: “Here’s to the little RBG I see in you.”
Printed in the USA using soy ink on recycled paper, the card is available on cardthartic.com.