The Atelier Couture by Professor Jimmy Choo debuted their newest bridal collection: Paradise. Inspiration: The Divine Comedy love is a pure and elegant love which every one of us think that’s how love should be but it is actually obnubilate with our very own yearnings. The Bridal by The Atelier’s new collection [Paradise] is surrounded in

The SS2022 Atelier Couture Bridal Collection by Prof. Jimmy Choo, OBE, is inspiredby “Art Nouveau”. “Art in nature, Nature in art”, not limited to existing traditional decorative patterns, but trying new aesthetic forms thanks to innovative design, the use of simple organic lines, and the thickness variations of the curve of the materials. With the

The Atelier new collection is inspired by the architectural masterpiece New Swan Stone Castle, which is a combination of idealism and romanticism. And a moving story about the castle.